After a long time of studying online because of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was able to go back to school last Monday. To be honest, I am really happy to meet my friends and teachers. I find face-to-face learning much more interesting than boring computer-based learning. I was so excited that that day I woke up very early that day, starting at 4 am. That has never happened since I went to school.I check my books and preview the lesson of that day to be able to answer the teacher's questions in the best way. That day I went to class very early, at this time the class only had a few friends like me but we all have to wear masks and disinfect so we can't see each other's faces. The fun fact that:"If I continue like this, I'll probably forget the faces of most of my friends." A little while after entering the class, the teacher with a blue ao dai appeared. Although I had met her through the computer screen before, when I saw her in real life, I felt much closer. That period we studied "Vội vàng" -Xuan Dieu,My teacher voice is much better in real life. Our class also speaks more than when we study online. Halfway through the class, the principal suddenly came to my class and exchanged some problems with her, such as the number of friends. currently f2,f3, number of students absent from school, number of students being isolated and unable to study and class situation, etc. In the past, these things were usually teachers from the delegation who came to survey but he was infected covid-19 during the last Lunar New Year, so now my school is short of a lot of teachers. If at first I still liked the covid-19 pandemic because I was absent from school, now I just feel horrible, can't meet friends, can't talk directly with teachers, camping activities, folk dance can't be done, knowledge is gaping,etc. At the end of today's class, My teacher surprised me by asking if anyone who recited this poem would get 10 points. I raised my hand because I had studied it at home first, but when I went to the board, I was nervous and forgot the last two sentences, so I only got 8 points. that makes me really sad, I cried during the whole recess because I blamed myself. Although I know there will be many people who will find me hateful because I get 8 points and then cry, I can't help it. I really worked hard, but the end result. The result was not as expected, which was very bad. Then because of my bad spirit, I studied for the next 3 lesson and was no longer happy and enthusiastic. That day we didn't learn to salute the flag, so we left early. On the way back, I still have regrets and blame myself but now I have decided to let that unhappiness become a lesson to motivate myself to work hard and practice my ability to stand in front of crowds without stress. .Although the first day of going back to school was not as great as I thought it would be, it is probably a very good memory for me. Because of it, I became better and realized that: ''No matter how bad it is. No matter what happens, it will end, so no matter how difficult it is, I have to move forward."