In the morning, I get up earlier than usual (because today it's my turn to be on duty). Then I go to school and come home at noon. I gladly entered the house and there, I saw a mysterious yellow door. It's not at my house, I'm sure. After thinking for a while, I decided to muster up the courage to open the other door. Oh my god, in front of my eyes is a large garden planted with all kinds of green trees, including some that I have never seen before. I immediately ran to find my father's camera to capture them. They are beautiful and strange beyond my imagination. Around here there is a unique fragrance that is mixed between flowers. I happily admired and carefully photographed each plant in detail and felt like I was in the middle of nature. After walking around the garden and making sure I didn't miss any plants, I started to feel hungry and thirsty. Suddenly, I saw in the middle of the garden a beautiful little table made of wood and a chair also made of wood. On the table were some books, some cakes and a pot of tea - chrysanthemum tea, I guess. I feel like this is a paradise for me because I love plants and love to read books. I sit back and enjoy the cake and tea (it's very very tasty) and read a book. Then all of a sudden, I heard someone say: "You seem to really like my garden, don't you?" I turned around and saw a kind old lady. I replied that this place is wonderful. So, the old woman said, "You can come and play whenever you want. I so happy to see someone visit her garden.'' I thanked her happily and looked at my watch. Oh my god I've been playing here for more than 3 hours (I didn't expect it). I had to give up. goodbye to the beautiful garden and the old woman to return home. Since then, I have come almost every day to visit and talk to her. She is warm, kind and always answers all my questions. So, for a long time, I have considered her as a close friend who can share everything with her. I feel very happy when the wings of that magical yellow appear in my house and will keep the secret of the strange garden from everyone.

                                                                                  Thank you to reading my post!