The new year has come and the first time of this year will be the time when we may feel sad, a little disappointed because of the goals of last year we did not do well or left unfinished, the opportunities we missed. Maybe we'll be proud and happy for the things we've accomplished, the successes we've achieved in the last year. Either way, those feelings will come and go out. We have entered the year 2022-a brand new year.This is an opportunity to set goals and start fresh for most people and I am one of them. 2022 is a year where I have many goals but the most important goal for me in this year is to practice healthy eating and exercise habits. It's a goal that I keep in mind, but haven't been able to achieve from 2016 to this year. We all know how important of exercise and healthy eating to our bodies and our lives. Especially nowaday when we are living with the Covid-19 epidemic, resistance is the last line of defense that protects us from death.We wouldn't be able to do anything without health. I deeply understood that because  in last year, I almost struggled with the final exam because of a headache due to a cold. Not only that, I also had stomach ache from frequent skip meals to lose weight. Believe me, when you are in the hospital and suffering from illness, all your goals like getting a high score in exams or becoming thinner are meaningless.That's why I set this very important goal. I have so many unfinished dreams, so many things to do, so many people I want to meet, so many places I want to go, many landscapes that I haven't seen,etc....And to do all of that, I need to not only knowledge but also health. So this is a very important goal for me and I have to make it in this year. Because this is a very difficult goal for me and I have failed for many years,this year I will not just make a plan to do it like before. I decided to sign up for a course learn yoga to improve your body and health.And give up all junk food and eat healthy by paying for a year package of healthy food. Of course, I lost a lot of money to do that but the  investing in health is always worth  and  it is a long-term investment. And i think writing this is also a way for me to achieve my goal. I will definitely come back here in next year. I hope in that time ,i was in good health then and accomplished the goals I set out for this year. And you, what are your goals this year? Whatever your goals are, I wish you all the best in achieving your goals. And....Happy New Year! good luck for anyone who readed my post!^^