Every year at the end of the year, we will welcome the new year with our family, that is Tet. It's not a family reunion, but also a day for us to fulfills goals we didn't achieve in the previous years or set new ones. I also have a goals and is relates to both the old year and  the new year. It's that I want to get a gold medal but is a goal from last year that I haven't achieved and this year I consider it as a beginner goal. It's a very important goal for me because both my brother and my sister have at least 1 gold medal and i'm the only one who doesn't, so I'm determined achieve it this year. I also had my own plan to accomplish that goal. If my brother got a gold medal in computer science and my sister got a gold medal in math, my goal would be in English. To accomplish this goal, I ask my mother to sign up for english learning programs within 1 year and my goal is that every day when i finish my program my mother enrolled me in, i will learn 20 new english words and i hope to achieve that this year. And what is your goal, let me know in the comment.