Dear the greatest teacher,

“How many people have gone through love and miss but forgot each other?" I don't know how to say enough of my heart, I keep waiting for a sunny day tomorrow to hear your voice again, a voice that has long been attached to this mind, heart, and words. love, carrying their ambition and motivation, like pouring into the souls of those innocent children. I keep getting lost in the images of the past, drowning in the hidden stream of memories for so long. And, that beautiful day didn't seem to let me touch it, every day let me pursue it. I miss her so much, I miss her face, her hair, her scent when she hugs me. I look back to the days when I was like a toddler entering the classroom, she led me to small successes, happy and sad. We are afraid of losing you, you have been our pillar of support all these years. How can they make it up to you, they owe you so much and they love you so much, you know?
"We've gone through grief without having to borrow
so debt is only measured by feeling
So I'm afraid that I won't be able to hold someone in my arms tightly
in the future should be worried that the tears will forget the burning
though it hurts to pale..."

                                                                                                                             From your little student,

                                                                                                                                   Nguyen Minh Thu.