Nguyễn Thị Ái Vân

Giới thiệu về bản thân

Sodium Thioacetate và Sodium Chloride
(Thường được cập nhật sau 1 giờ!)

2 thận, 2 niệu quản, 1 bóng đái (bàng quang), 1 ống đái (niệu đạo)

Shopping in a supermarket has some great advantages. Firstly, it is good for people who like to see and touch things before buying. Before buying new clothes, you can try them on to make sure they fit well. Second, everyone can know the product's expiration date. If the product is expired, they can return the product to the supermarket. Don't worry about bargain, they are fixed price items so you can never do that. Finally, going to the supermarket is still a great choice.

     Shopping in a supermarket has some great advantages. Firstly, it is good for people who like to see and touch things before buying. Before buying new clothes, you can try them on to make sure they fit well. Second, everyone can know the product's expiration date. If the product is expired, they can return the product to the supermarket. Don't worry about bargain, they are fixed price items so you can never do that. Finally, going to the supermarket is still a great choice.

2Fr + 2H2O --> 2FrOH + H2

Tuy nhiên Fr không có đồng vị bền (cực hiếm) nhưng nó vẫn là kim loại kiềm !

\(\dfrac{4}{5}\) m = 8 dm

\(\dfrac{2}{5}\)m = 4 dm

ƯCLN(102, 45) = 3



=(95 + 5) + (2 + 98)

= 100 + 100

= 200


97 + 4 + 96 + 3

= (97 + 3) + (4 + 96)

= 100 + 100


Số kg cam là: 516 * 30 = 15 480 (kg cam)