
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

8 tháng 1 2019


Hình học là một phần của toán học cái mà liên quan đến không gian, đường cong, hình dạng và bề mặt.

Vì câu đã có chủ ngữ và động từ chính nên động từ phía sau là thuộc mệnh đề quan hệ, câu mang nghĩa bị động nên dùng rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ => Ved/ V3

Cụm từ make full use of: tận dụng triệt để ( mặt có lợi)

Chúng ta nên tận dụng triệt để những lợi ích của Internet bởi vì nó là nguồn thông tin vô tận.

11 tháng 3


3 tháng 1 2018

Despite + Ving/ cụm danh từ = though + S+ V : mặc dù

However: tuy nhiên, đứng ở đầu câu/ sau dấu chấm phẩy, sau however là dấu phẩy.

But: nhưng, thường đứng giữa câu

Câu này dịch như sau: Chúng ta lo ngại về vấn đề nguồn năng lượng nhưng chúng ta cũng phải nghĩ về môi trường của chúng tA.

=> Chọn D

2 tháng 2 2017


Kiến thức về so sánh

Trong dạng so sánh hơn, ta có thể thêm “much/far” vào trước tính từ nhằm mục đích nhấn mạnh.

Cấu trúc:

- to be concerned with st: quan tâm tới cái gì

- the + adj = N(chỉ người/số nhiều) => the young: người trẻ

Tạm dịch: Người trẻ quan tâm nhiều hơn đến hình thức hơn là người già.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do. The stick...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do.

 The stick caterpillar is well named. It is hardly distinguishable from a brown or green twig. This caterpillar is quite common and can be found almost anywhere in North America. It is also called "measuring worm" or "inchworm." It walks by arching its body, then stretching out and grasping the branch with its front feet then looping its body again to bring the hind feet forward. When danger threatens, the stick caterpillar stretches its body away from the branch at an angle and remains rigid and still, like a twig, until the danger has passed.

 Walking sticks, or stick insects, do not have to assume a rigid, twig-like pose to find protection; they look like inedible twigs in any position. There are many kinds of walking sticks, ranging in size from the few inches of the North American variety to some tropical species that may be over a foot long. When at rest their front legs are stretched out, heightening their camouflage. Some of the tropical species are adorned with spines or ridges, imitating the thorny bushes or trees in which they live.

            Leaves also seem to be a favorite object for insects to imitate. Many butterflies can suddenly disappear from view by folding their wings and sitting quietly among the plants that they resemble.

Which of the following is true of stick insects?

A. They make themselves look like other insects.

B. They change color to make themselves invisible.

C. They are camouflaged only when walking.

D. They resemble their surroundings all the time.

29 tháng 12 2019

Đáp án D

Phát biểu nào sau đây là đúng sự thật của bọ que?

A. chúng làm cho mình trông giống như côn trùng khác.

B. chúng thay đổi màu sắc để làm cho mình vô hình.

C. Chúng được ngụy trang chỉ khi đang bò.

D. Họ giống như môi trường xung quanh tất cả các thời gian.

Dẫn chứng: they look like inedible twigs in any position.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do. The stick...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do.

 The stick caterpillar is well named. It is hardly distinguishable from a brown or green twig. This caterpillar is quite common and can be found almost anywhere in North America. It is also called "measuring worm" or "inchworm." It walks by arching its body, then stretching out and grasping the branch with its front feet then looping its body again to bring the hind feet forward. When danger threatens, the stick caterpillar stretches its body away from the branch at an angle and remains rigid and still, like a twig, until the danger has passed.

 Walking sticks, or stick insects, do not have to assume a rigid, twig-like pose to find protection; they look like inedible twigs in any position. There are many kinds of walking sticks, ranging in size from the few inches of the North American variety to some tropical species that may be over a foot long. When at rest their front legs are stretched out, heightening their camouflage. Some of the tropical species are adorned with spines or ridges, imitating the thorny bushes or trees in which they live.

            Leaves also seem to be a favorite object for insects to imitate. Many butterflies can suddenly disappear from view by folding their wings and sitting quietly among the plants that they resemble.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The feeding habits of insects

B. Insects that are threatened with extinction

C. How some insects imitate plants to survive?

D. Caterpillars that live in trees

14 tháng 11 2018

Đáp án C

Ý chính của đoạn văn là gì?

A. Các thói quen ăn côn trùng

B. Côn trùng đang bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng

C. Làm thế nào một số loài côn trùng bắt chước thực vật để tồn tại

D. các loại sâu bướm sống trên cây

Dẫn chứng: The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.Fish that live on the sea bottom benefit by being flat and hugging the contours. There are two very different types of flatfish and they have evolved in very separate ways. The skates and rays, relatives of the sharks, have become flat in what might be called the obvious way. Their bodies have grown out sideways to form great “wings”. They look...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Fish that live on the sea bottom benefit by being flat and hugging the contours. There are two very different types of flatfish and they have evolved in very separate ways. The skates and rays, relatives of the sharks, have become flat in what might be called the obvious way. Their bodies have grown out sideways to form great “wings”. They look as though they have been flattened but have remained symmetrical and “the right way up”. Conversely, fish such as plaice, sole, and halibut have become flat in a different way. There are bony fish which have a marked tendency to be flattened in a vertical direction; they are much “taller” then they are wide. They use their whole, vertically flattened bodies as swimming surfaces, which undulate through the water as they move. Therefore, when their ancestors migrated to the seabed, they lay on one side than on their bellies. However, this raises the problem that one eye was always looking down into the sand and was effectively useless – In evolution this problem was solved by the lower eye “moving” around the other side. We see this process of moving around enacted in the development of every young bony flatfish. It starts life swimming near the surface, and is symmetrical and vertically flattened, but then the skull starts to grow in a strange asymmetrical twisted fashion, so that one eye, for instance the left, moves over the top of the head upwards, and old Picasso – like vision. Incidentally, some species of 20 flatfish settle on the right side, others on the left, and others on either side.

The passage is mainly concerned with _______.

A. symmetrical flatfish

B. bony flatfish


C. evolution of flatfish

D. different types of flatfish

22 tháng 1 2017

Đáp án C.

Key words: mainly concerned.

Clue: Ta chú ý đến những từ hay xuất hiện trong bài và những chi tiết đưa ra nhằm hướng tới một nội dung chính nào đó.

1. “There are two very different types of flatfish and they have evolved in very separate ways”: Có hai loài cá dẹt và chúng tiến hóa theo các con đường khác nhau.

2. “In evolution this problem was solved…”: Trong quá trình tiến hóa, vấn đề này đã được giải quyết.

Ngoài ra từ “flatfish” cũng xuất hiện nhiều lần trong bài và bài khóa đề cập đến những vấn đề thích nghi của loài cá này trong quá trình tiến hóa. Vậy đáp án là C. evolution of flatfish: sự tiến hóa của cá dẹt

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 42.Very few people in the modern world obtain their food supply by hunting and gathering in the natural environment surrounding their homes. This method of harvesting from nature’s provision is the oldest subsistence strategy, and has been practiced for at least the last two million years. It was, indeed, the only way to obtain food until...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 42.

Very few people in the modern world obtain their food supply by hunting and gathering in the natural environment surrounding their homes. This method of harvesting from nature’s provision is the oldest subsistence strategy, and has been practiced for at least the last two million years. It was, indeed, the only way to obtain food until rudimentary farming and the domestication of wild animals were introduced about 10,000 years ago.

Because hunter-gatherers have fared poorly in comparison with their agricultural cousins, their numbers have dwindled, and they have been forced to live in marginal environments, such as deserts and arctic wastelands. In higher latitudes, the shorter growing season has restricted the availability of plant life. Such conditions have caused a greater independence on hunting, and along the coasts and waterways, on fishing. The abundance of vegetation in the lower latitudes of the tropics, on the other hand, has provided a greater opportunity for gathering a variety of plants. In short, the environmental differences have restricted the diet and have limited possibilities for the development of subsistence societies. Contemporary hunter-gatherers may help us understand our prehistoric ancestors. We know from observation of modern hunter-gatherers in both Africa and Alaska that society based on hunting and gathering must be very mobile. While the entire community camps in a central location, a smaller party harvests the food within a reasonable distance from the camp. When the food in the area is exhausted, the community moves on to exploit another site. We also notice seasonal migration on patterns evolving for most hunter-gatherers, along with a strict division of labor between sexes. These patterns of behavior may be similar to those practiced by mankind during the Paleolithic Period.

With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?

A. The Paleolithic period

B. Subsistence farming

C. Hunter-gatherers 

D. Marginal environment

14 tháng 9 2018

Đáp án C

Đoạn văn chủ yếu nói về người sinh sống bằng nghề đi săn và hái lượm.

Ta đọc các câu đầu của đoạn văn tóm tắt ý chính của đoạn: “Very few people in the modern world obtain their food supply by hunting and gathering in the natural environment surrounding their homes”: Rất ít người trong thế giới hiện đại tìm nguồn thức ăn bằng cách đi săn bắn và hái lượm thức ăn từ môi trường tự nhiên xung quanh nhà, hay “Because hunter-gatherers have fared poorly in comparison with their agricultural cousins, their numbers have dwindled: Vì những người săn bắt hái lượm kiếm sống kém hơn so với những người làm nông nên số lượng những người săn bắt hái lượm ngày càng thu hẹp lại.

Các ý A, B, D chỉ là những ví dụ và phần nhỏ được nhắc đến trong bài: the Paleolithic period (thời kỳ đồ đá), subsistence farming (nông nghiệp mưu sinh), marginal environment (môi trường không thuận lợi cho việc trồng trọt)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do. The stick...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do.

 The stick caterpillar is well named. It is hardly distinguishable from a brown or green twig. This caterpillar is quite common and can be found almost anywhere in North America. It is also called "measuring worm" or "inchworm." It walks by arching its body, then stretching out and grasping the branch with its front feet then looping its body again to bring the hind feet forward. When danger threatens, the stick caterpillar stretches its body away from the branch at an angle and remains rigid and still, like a twig, until the danger has passed.

 Walking sticks, or stick insects, do not have to assume a rigid, twig-like pose to find protection; they look like inedible twigs in any position. There are many kinds of walking sticks, ranging in size from the few inches of the North American variety to some tropical species that may be over a foot long. When at rest their front legs are stretched out, heightening their camouflage. Some of the tropical species are adorned with spines or ridges, imitating the thorny bushes or trees in which they live.

            Leaves also seem to be a favorite object for insects to imitate. Many butterflies can suddenly disappear from view by folding their wings and sitting quietly among the plants that they resemble.

Which of the following are NOT mentioned in the passage as objects that are imitated as a means of protection?

A. leaves

B. flowers

C. thorns

D. sticks

29 tháng 12 2018

Đáp án B

Phát biểu nào sau đây không được đề cập trong đoạn văn như là đối tượng được bắt chước như một phương tiện bảo vệ?

A.lá B. Hoa C. Gai D. cành

Dẫn chứng: It is hardly distinguishable from a brown or green twig -> twig= stick= cành

Some of the tropical species are adorned with spines or ridges -> spine = thorn= gai

Leaves also seem to be a favorite object for insects to imitate -> leave

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do. The stick...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do.

 The stick caterpillar is well named. It is hardly distinguishable from a brown or green twig. This caterpillar is quite common and can be found almost anywhere in North America. It is also called "measuring worm" or "inchworm." It walks by arching its body, then stretching out and grasping the branch with its front feet then looping its body again to bring the hind feet forward. When danger threatens, the stick caterpillar stretches its body away from the branch at an angle and remains rigid and still, like a twig, until the danger has passed.

 Walking sticks, or stick insects, do not have to assume a rigid, twig-like pose to find protection; they look like inedible twigs in any position. There are many kinds of walking sticks, ranging in size from the few inches of the North American variety to some tropical species that may be over a foot long. When at rest their front legs are stretched out, heightening their camouflage. Some of the tropical species are adorned with spines or ridges, imitating the thorny bushes or trees in which they live.

            Leaves also seem to be a favorite object for insects to imitate. Many butterflies can suddenly disappear from view by folding their wings and sitting quietly among the plants that they resemble.

Which of the following is the antonym of the word “inedible” in paragraph 3?

A. eatable

B. colorful

C. moving

D. beautiful

31 tháng 1 2018

Đáp án A

Điều nào sau đây là trái nghĩa của từ "không ăn được" trong đoạn 3?

A.ăn được   B. đầy màu sắc      C. di chuyển                   D. đẹp

Inedible>< eatable

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do. The stick...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Insects' lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by imitating plants is a way frequently used by insects to survive. Mammals rarely imitate plants, but many fish and invertebrates do.

 The stick caterpillar is well named. It is hardly distinguishable from a brown or green twig. This caterpillar is quite common and can be found almost anywhere in North America. It is also called "measuring worm" or "inchworm." It walks by arching its body, then stretching out and grasping the branch with its front feet then looping its body again to bring the hind feet forward. When danger threatens, the stick caterpillar stretches its body away from the branch at an angle and remains rigid and still, like a twig, until the danger has passed.

 Walking sticks, or stick insects, do not have to assume a rigid, twig-like pose to find protection; they look like inedible twigs in any position. There are many kinds of walking sticks, ranging in size from the few inches of the North American variety to some tropical species that may be over a foot long. When at rest their front legs are stretched out, heightening their camouflage. Some of the tropical species are adorned with spines or ridges, imitating the thorny bushes or trees in which they live.

            Leaves also seem to be a favorite object for insects to imitate. Many butterflies can suddenly disappear from view by folding their wings and sitting quietly among the plants that they resemble.

Which of the following best paraphrases the sentence in italics?  The stick caterpillar is well named.

A. The caterpillar has a good name.

B. The caterpillar is stuck to a popular name.

C. The caterpillar is named just like the way it looks.

D. The caterpillar is named after a well-known name.

22 tháng 5 2017

Đáp án C

Phát biểu nào sau đây là tốt nhất diễn giải các câu in nghiêng? Sâu bướm được đặt tên theo một cách rất hay.

A. Sâu bướm có tên riêng.

B. Sâu bướm đang mắc kẹt với một tên phổ biến.

C. Sâu bướm được đặt tên giống như hình thức của nó.

D. Sâu bướm được đặt tên theo một cái tên nổi tiếng.

Dẫn chứng: It is also called "measuring worm" or "inchworm." -> sâu bướm được đặt tên theo cách nó di chuyển.