
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

6 tháng 11 2023

- do: ballet, drama, gymnastics, martial arts, photography, weights

- play: basketball, board games, cards, chess, ice hockey, a musical instrument

- go: ballroom dancing, bowling, camping, cycling, rollerblading, running, shopping, skateboarding

17 tháng 11 2023

Agent: Good morning. What can I 1 do for you?

Woman: Can I ask you about that amazing house that's built on a cliff?

AgentYes, of course. You can 2 take a look at some more pictures on my computer. Look at the view from that sofa!

Woman: I love it. Can I 3 make an appointment to look around?

AgentI'm afraid you can't 4 do that. The house doesn't exist yet! You need to choose a location first. But the house would only 5 take twelve weeks to build.

Woman: I see. I need to find somewhere soon, so I'll have to 6 make up my mind quickly.

AgentCan I ask what you 7 do?

Woman: I'm a yoga teacher.

AgentWhere do you teach?

Woman: At the local sports centre. But if I moved to a bigger house, I'd want to 8 make one room into a yoga studio.

AgentWell, this house would be a great place to 9 do yoga! Just 10 take your yoga mat outside onto the cliff. Imagine the sunrise over the waves, the solitude...

Woman: I suppose you would be alone there ... except for all the people who stop to 11 take photos of your house!

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
5 tháng 11 2023

Five stative verbs in the dialogue in exercise 2: like, need, know, remember, mind.

(Năm động từ trạng thái trong đoạn hội thoại ở bài tập 2: like, need, know, memory, mind.)

I know they are stative verbs because they describe states or situations and are not used in continuous tenses.

(Tôi biết chúng là động từ trạng thái vì chúng mô tả trạng thái hoặc tình huống và không được sử dụng trong các thì tiếp diễn.)

18 tháng 11 2023

The student chooses to use indirect questions in exercise 4 because they sound more polite in formal situations

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
5 tháng 11 2023

1. isn’t going to stop

2. are going to spend – will have

3. am going to drop – will take

4. am going to – won’t be

Read the Learn this! box. Match each highlighted phrase in the dialogue with a rule (a-f).LEARN THIS! Comparative and superlative formsa. We often use a superlative with the present perfect.That's the biggest mansion I've ever seen.b. We use double comparatives to emphasise that something is changing.Property is getting cheaper and cheaper.c. We use The..., the... and comparatives to say that one thing changes with another.The closer you are to the centre, the more you pay in rent.d. We usually...
Đọc tiếp

Read the Learn this! box. Match each highlighted phrase in the dialogue with a rule (a-f).

LEARN THIS! Comparative and superlative forms

a. We often use a superlative with the present perfect.

That's the biggest mansion I've ever seen.

b. We use double comparatives to emphasise that something is changing.

Property is getting cheaper and cheaper.

c. We use The..., the... and comparatives to say that one thing changes with another.

The closer you are to the centre, the more you pay in rent.

d. We usually use more and most to form comparative and superlative adverbs. However, we add -er and -est to some short adverbs.

The flat sold more quickly than I expected.

Houses sell faster in the spring.

e. Like more and most, we can use less and least with long adjectives, adverbs and uncountable nouns.

This is the least spacious house in the road.

There's less space in my room than in yours.

f. We use fewer and fewest with countable nouns.

Which flat has the fewest rooms?

There are fewer big flats in the town centre.

16 tháng 11 2023

a. I think this flat is the best we've seen so far.

(Tôi nghĩ căn hộ này là căn hộ tốt nhất mà chúng tôi từng thấy từ trước đến nay.)

b. Rents seem to be getting higher and higher.

(Giá thuê dường như ngày càng cao hơn.)

c. The more we spend on rent, the less we'll have for other things.

(Chúng ta càng chi nhiều tiền thuê nhà, chúng ta càng có ít tiền cho những thứ khác.)

d. You can get to the train station more easily.

(Bạn có thể đến ga xe lửa dễ dàng hơn.)

e. It's less expensive than it seems.

(Nó ít tốn kém hơn nó có vẻ.)

f. It's the one with the fewest rooms.

(Đó là nơi có ít phòng nhất.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
5 tháng 11 2023

1. a / an

2. the

3. the

4. a / an

5. -

6. a / an

7. the

8. the

18 tháng 11 2023
1. before               2. after            3. inseparable          

LEARN THIS! Separable and inseparable phrasal verbs

a Two-part phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable. With separable phrasal verbs, the object can come before or after the particle (for, up, with, etc.).

We must work out the answer.

OR We must work the answer out.

b When the object is a pronoun (her, it, them, etc.) it can only come after/before the particle.

We must work it out.

c With inseparable phrasal verbs, the object always comes after/before the particle, even when it is a pronoun.

She looks after her dad. She looks after him.

d Three-part phrasal verbs are always 3 separable / inseparable.

We won't run out of energy. We won't run out of it.

(LEARN THIS! Các cụm động từ có thể tách rời và không thể tách rời

a Cụm động từ gồm hai phần có thể tách rời hoặc không thể tách rời. Với các cụm động từ có thể tách rời, tân ngữ có thể đứng trước hoặc sau tiểu từ (for, up, with, v.v.).

Chúng ta phải tìm ra câu trả lời.

HOẶC Chúng ta phải tìm ra câu trả lời.

b Khi tân ngữ là đại từ (her, it, them, v.v.) nó chỉ có thể đứng trước tiểu từ.

Chúng ta phải giải quyết nó.

c Với cụm động từ không thể tách rời, tân ngữ luôn đứng thứ sau tiểu từ, ngay cả khi nó là đại từ.

Cô chăm sóc cha mình. Cô chăm sóc ông ấy.

d Cụm động từ ba phần luôn không thể tách rời.

Chúng tôi sẽ không cạn kiệt năng lượng. Chúng tôi sẽ không hết nó.)

19 tháng 11 2023

Amanda recently had a colourful butterfly tattooed on her wrist. Brad had the names of his two daughters tattooed on his neck under his hair. His friend Doug had his back decorated with a large tattoo of a shield. For the people themselves, these examples of body art are meaningful and important. Nevertheless, they deliberately had them done in places that can easily be hidden. Why? Because they want to give themselves the best possible chance of getting a job, and many employers have a negative attitude towards tattoos and other forms of body art (piercings, body painting, etc.). That is because many employers do not think that decorating yourself with tattoos is acceptable. But when these employers were young themselves, back in the 1980s, they probably had their hair dyed a bright colour to shock their parents! Fashions change, but younger generations always have the desire to be different.

7 tháng 11 2023

1. has

2. been

3. have been

4. since

5. have been

6. for

7. have bee