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8 tháng 6 2018

Được tôn vinh là ánh sáng mở đường cho một cuộc cách mạng năng lượng, nhưng giới khoa học mới đây đã chỉ ra chính những chiếc đèn LED lại đang đẩy mạnh tình trạng ô nhiễm ánh sáng toàn cầu, kéo theo những hậu quả nghiêm trọng đối với sức khỏe con người và động vật.

Nghiên cứu đăng tải trên tạp chí Science Advances ngày 22/11 phân tích dữ liệu vệ tinh cho thấy những buổi tối trên Trái Đất đang có xu hướng trở nên sáng hơn, với diện tích sử dụng ánh sáng nhân tạo ngoài trời tăng với tốc độ 2,2%/năm trong giai đoạn 2012-2016.

Các chuyên gia nhấn mạnh đây là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng vì ánh sáng vào ban đêm đã được xác định là làm rối loạn đồng hồ sinh học ở người và tăng nguy cơ các bệnh ung thư, tiểu đường cũng như chứng trầm cảm. Ánh sáng vào ban đêm thậm chí có thể giết chết nhiều động vật như đèn thu hút côn trùng hay làm nhiễu loạn khả năng định hướng của chim hay rùa biển.

Chris Kyba, nhà vật lý của Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Địa chất Đức và cũng là chủ nhiệm công trình nghiên cứu, cho rằng vấn đề không nằm ở công nghệ đèn LED, vốn được ưa chuộng nhờ đặc tính tiết kiệm điện.

Phát biểu họp báo về công trình nghiên cứu mới, ông Kyba cho rằng vấn đề là việc con người có xu hướng lạm dụng khi dùng quá nhiều đèn với suy nghĩ họ đang sử dụng công nghệ tiết kiệm. Các nhà khoa học gọi đây là "hiệu ứng đảo ngược."

Theo một nghiên cứu năm 2010 công bố trên tạp chí Ecological Economics, những buổi tối quá sáng không chỉ ảnh hưởng tới môi trường tự nhiên mà còn gây thiệt hại gần 7 tỷ USD hàng năm do "tác động tiêu cực đối với đời sống hoang dã, sức khỏe, ngành thiên văn và lãng phí năng lượng."

Travis Longcore, chuyên gia của Đại học Nam California, cho rằng kết luận của nghiên cứu mới "không có gì bất ngờ" đối với những người đã bỏ nhiều năm theo đuổi vấn đề này. Chuyên gia này cho rằng con số 2,2% mà nghiên cứu đưa ra là "không bền vững."

Các giải pháp được đề xuất bao gồm sử dụng các nguồn sáng cường độ thấp, tắt đèn khi không sử dụng, dùng đèn LED ánh sáng ấm thay vì ánh sáng xanh hay tím để hạn chế tác hại đối với sức khỏe con người và động vật, và quan trọng nhất là thay đổi cách suy nghĩ của người dân về việc quá dựa dẫm vào nguồn sáng nhân tạo vào ban đêm.

TOPIC NÓI TIẾNG ANH -Topic 1: Traffic. 1. How do you often go to school? 2. What are the traffic problems you can see in your city? 3. What should people do to reduce traffic accidents? -Topic 2: Films. 1. What kind of film do you like best? 2. Please tallk about the film you would like to see( kimd of film/ stars/ the flot/ critics opinion...) Top 3: Festival around the festivals around the world. 1. Please tallk about the names of the festivals around the orld and in Viet Nam than you...
Đọc tiếp

-Topic 1: Traffic.

1. How do you often go to school?
2. What are the traffic problems you can see in your city?
3. What should people do to reduce traffic accidents?
-Topic 2: Films.
1. What kind of film do you like best?
2. Please tallk about the film you would like to see( kimd of film/ stars/ the flot/ critics opinion...)
Top 3: Festival around the festivals around the world.
Please tallk about the names of the festivals around the orld and in Viet Nam than you know.
2. Which destival have you attended recently? Talk something ablout it( where it took place, How often ot celebrate/ why/ how you feel...)
- Topic 4: Souces of energy.
1. What are renewabe/ non-renewable sources of energy?
2. What are advantages of solarpower/ wind power?
What are disadvantages of fossil fuels?
3. Do you think people will use solar energy widelyin the future? Why?
- Topic 5: Travelling in the future.
1. Can you tell the names of transport people will use in the future?
2. You think about a
future means of transport to help prople in big cities avoid traffic jam. ( name of transport/ how many people it can transport/ where people use/ what technology/ what it look like...)
- Topic 6: An overcrowded world
1. What are the problems in overcrowded cities in the world?
2. Do you like to live in an overcrowded area? Why?
M.n giúp mình trả lời mình cần gấp. Mai mình thi nói

17 tháng 5 2017

-Topic 1: Traffic.

1. How do you often go to school?

==> I often go to school by bike.
2. What are the traffic problems you can see in your city?

==>The traffic problems that I see in my city are: not wearing a helmet, driving under the age, passing through red lights, ...
3. What should people do to reduce traffic accidents?

==>To reduce traffic accidents, people should pay attention to traffic, helmets, traffic safety regulations,...
-Topic 2: Films.
1. What kind of film do you like best?

==>I like the most cartoon.
2. Please tallk about the film you would like to see( kimd of film/ stars/ the flot/ critics opinion...)

==>I want to see the movie "Moonlight Moonlight", the film is amazing! There are famous Korean actors such as Park Bo Gum, Kim Yoo Jung, Jinyoung (B1A4), ... The film is about love between the king and Sam Nương pretending to be an eunuch, a very love story. pretty.
Top 3: Festival around the festivals around the world.
1. Please tallk about the names of the festivals around the orld and in Viet Nam than you know.

==>Festivals around the world are: Christmas, Carnival Mow Festival, Holi Festival, King's Festival, Music and art festival, ...

-Festivals in Vietnam are: Tet, Hung Temple Festival, Huong Pagoda Festival, Giong Temple Festival, Lim festival, Yen Tu festival, ...
2. Which destival have you attended recently? Talk something ablout it( where it took place, How often ot celebrate/ why/ how you feel...)

==>I attended the Hung Temple festival held in Phu Tho on March 10th of the lunar calendar. Hung Temple was solemnly celebrated to commemorate Hung building and expanding the country.
- Topic 4: Souces of energy.
1. What are renewabe/ non-renewable sources of energy?

==>-Renewable energy sources include: hydro, solar, biomass, heat, biology, tides, wind.

-Renewable energy sources are fossils (petroleum, coal, rock), nuclear (uranium).
2. What are advantages of solarpower/ wind power?

Benefits of solar energy:

- convenient facilities - where there is sunlight with electricity. Our father has a wonderful saying: "run from the sun", very true, almost anywhere on earth are sunny in the day

. Endless energy. According to scientists, the existence of the sun is still several billion years, so you can rest assured that the use is not afraid of it!

- The cleanest and safest source of energy. Sunlight brings life to the earth so it is the safest course.

Free energy source. No one can control, charge for this form of energy. It gives all the creatures on earth, less space depending on geographic location.

Easy to use energy source. You are using it daily, in different ways like sun drying, sun drying, tree planting, light you see everything ...

Benefits of wind energy:

- Save on fuel, second is the ability to replace fast. Third reduce the toxic waste from the energy works into the surrounding environment.
What are disadvantages of fossil fuels?

==> The downside is that fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource because the Earth took millions of years to produce them, and the consumption is taking place faster than the speed of creation that results in exhausted fossil fuels.

3. Do you think people will use solar energy widelyin the future? Why?

==> I think people will use solar energy extensively in the future because solar energy is very useful and an endless source of energy.

4 tháng 7 2018

1.not enough space


3.air pollution

30 tháng 4 2023

A lot of places will have problems of overcrowded healthcare due to pollution.

Good healthcare helps people stay healthier and live longer.

4 tháng 5 2017

1.One disadvantage of an overcrowded school is that students don’t have enough space to play in. The healthcare is not good and air pollution could be bad.
2. An overcrowded bus

One disadvantage of an overcrowded bus is that people don’t have enough seats to sit down. The bus will be so uncomfortable.

3. An overcrowded block of flats

One disadvantage of an overcrowded block of flats is that the place will be noisy. The atmosphere is not fresh.

13 tháng 3 2017

Fossil fuel is the most common source of energy today, but it is not considered clean energy. There are various other sources of alternative energy that must be incorporated if the next generations are expected to have energy. Water, wind, the internal heat of the earth, and the sun are all being harnessed to create energy. Geothermal energy and solar energy are more common. Homes are being heated and cooled, cars are being driven, and electricity is used all from these various alternative sources of energy. All are examples of clean energy, which is better for the environment because it does not cause pollution.

13 tháng 3 2017

Fossil fuel is the most common source of energy today, but it is not considered clean energy. There are various other sources of alternative energy that must be incorporated if the next generations are expected to have energy. Water, wind, the internal heat of the earth, and the sun are all being harnessed to create energy. Geothermal energy and solar energy are more common. Homes are being heated and cooled, cars are being driven, and electricity is used all from these various alternative sources of energy. All are examples of clean energy, which is better

11 tháng 8 2017

Hãy thêm từ vào chỗ chấm và dịch bài văn sau:

Every wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is..as...... Complicated as it is serious. It is complicated......because.....much pollution is caused by things that benefit people.....for example......, exhaust from automobiles causes a larger percentage of air pollution. But the automobiles......provide....... transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much......of..... the material that pollutes the air and water, but factories give employment to a larger number of people.

11 tháng 8 2017

chị diệu linh ơi

IX. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. Large cities often have problems that small towns and rural areas do not have. Two of the biggest problems are heavy traffic and the pollution that cars create. Of course. Traffic problems and pollution are not only found in big cities. However, the higher populations and larger number of cars on the roads in cities can make the problems happen more often and with more noticeable effects. One of the most common traffic problems the large cities...
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IX. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks.

Large cities often have problems that small towns and rural areas do not have. Two of the biggest problems are heavy traffic and the pollution that cars create. Of course. Traffic problems and pollution are not only found in big cities. However, the higher populations and larger number of cars on the roads in cities can make the problems happen more often and with more noticeable effects.

One of the most common traffic problems the large cities have is congestion. As the population of a city increases, so does the number of cars on the road. Cities cannot always improve the number

and size of their roads and highways to keep up with the number of cars. The result is traffic congestion, or trafficjams.

When traffic jams happen, cars that are stuck in the congestion continue to run their engines. This creates pollution and is a big problems. Pollution causes health problems for the people in citiesand also hurts the environment.

A. Match the words with their meanings. 1. rural​a. being too crowded or too full 2. noticeable​b. unable to move 3. congestion c. easy to see or recognize 4. traffic jam​d. in the countryside, not in the city 5. stuck​e. too many vehicles in one place prevents B. Choose the correct answers. 1. Where do traffic problems and pollution frequently happen? a. small towns b. rural areas​c. big cities​d. remote villages 2. According to the passage, what causes traffic congestion in big cities? a. A lot of city dwellers​b. Too many cars on the roads

c. Careless drivers​d. Less traffic signs on the streets

3. The high number of cars is caused by ​_ a. urban planning​b. traffic congestion

c. environmental pollution​d. the population

4. The highway and road network is ​of meeting the requirement of increasing number of vehicles.

a. full​b. aware​c. incapable​d. uncertain

5. Which of the followings is NOT true? 5. a. Only big cities have the problem of pollution. b. Traffic jams cause pollution c. Pollution is a major problem in big cities. d. Pollution causes health and environmental problems.
13 tháng 3 2021

A.1-d ; 2-c ; 3-a ; 4-e ; 5-b 

B.1-c ; 2-b ; 3-d ; 4-c ; 5-a

18 tháng 5 2020

We are looking for cheap, clean, and effective sources of energy. These types of energy won’t cause pollution or waste natural resources. It will be provided freely by the sun. One percent of the solar energy that reaches the earth will be enough to provide electricity for the whole population of the world. Solar energy will be used by many countries around the world. Solar panels will be placed on the roofs of houses and other buildings and the sun’s energy will be used to heat water. The energy will be stored for a long time. We hope that by using solar energy the problem of the energy shortage will be solved.

1. What types of energy are we looking for?

 _We are looking for cheap, clean, and effective sources of energy

2. What will we use the sun’s energy for?

 _____ The sun’s energy will be used to heat water

3. How long will the energy be stored?

 __________The energy will be stored for a long time

Water plays an important (1) ____________in the lives of Thailand people. The most (2) ____________ houses are those built next to the rivers, especially the country's main river, the Chao Phraya.Water is so (3) ____________that it is used in many of the country's (4) ____________, including the Festival of Light. This is one of Thailand's most colorful festivals. It (5) ______________ place each November, on the night of the full moon of the twelfth lunar (6) ______________.On this special (7)...
Đọc tiếp

Water plays an important (1) ____________in the lives of Thailand people. The most (2) ____________ houses are those built next to the rivers, especially the country's main river, the Chao Phraya.

Water is so (3) ____________that it is used in many of the country's (4) ____________, including the Festival of Light. This is one of Thailand's most colorful festivals. It (5) ______________ place each November, on the night of the full moon of the twelfth lunar (6) ______________.

On this special (7) ____________, people go to any place where there is water, and float krathongs. These are lotus-shaped and are made from banana leaves. They (8) ______________ decorated with flowers and burning candles. Some people also put an incense stick and a single coin next to the candle. As they set the krathongs on the water, people say a silent wish, in (9) ______________ to bring good luck. (10) ______________, it is thought that if the candle goes out quickly, the wish will not come true