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6 tháng 3 2017

English is an international language. However, learning a language is not an easy matter. It would be easier for us, if we try to improve the four skills in a language. The four skills are as: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Actually, there are two ways to acquire a language. One is called acquisition and the other is named learning. First, if a person wants to improve in listening skill, he needs to be a careful listener. He can also listen to the B.B.C radio news and can enjoy other programmes in English. Gradually his listening skill will be developed. Secondly, speaking is the most important skill of all. To improve the skill we must converse in English as much as possible. There is no other way to do better in the skill but to practise speaking. We should not be much worried about our mistakes while speaking. Thirdly, reading is the third skill. We can be successful in the skill only by reading a great number of books. And they must be written in English. One can read short stories, English newspapers, English grammar books by the English and so on. Finally, writing is another essential language skill. To be good at writing, we must write regularly and for this, we can choose any topic. Although, it is hard to be a good writer, only rigorous practice may help us in this regard. Thus we can both acquire and learn English well.

6 tháng 3 2017

Nowadays English is one of the most mean to speak with anyone over the world so it is spoken by any person in any natiọn Most of secondary shool, English is a compulsory subject so student must learn it. I like English so I always want to improve it. I learn it everywhere: at shool, at home, in the bus, on the internet.....I am bad for listening and writing so I usually listen to radio, do exercises, write letter for my friend in English and pratice with my friend.In the future, I will use my English for English my work. My dream is a teacher of English in order to teach for my student to know more about people and countrys of England. I hope my dream will become true and so do you

31 tháng 3 2017

Before teaching you how to learn English effectively, I would like to introduce you about the importance of this most common language. According to the wiki - a relatively reliable source of information, there are now about 1.5 billion English speakers around the world and this number is increasing. English is a widely used language and is an international language, but it does not replace other languages. Instead, it has language support with the following elements:

- More than 250 million Chinese learn English. - In 80 countries, English is the second common language or popular in learning. - In Hong Kong, 9 out of 10 high school students are learning English. - In France, to start high school students must have at least 4 years of English or German: most 85% of students choose to study English. In Japan, high school students are required to have 6 years of English before graduation. English communication helps you a lot at work. If you know English, you can improve and expand your knowledge by referring to your field of study in English, as all the latest trends are updated daily. , Every hour in English. While Vietnamese documents are often outdated and diminished by the value of the original documents. Today, for big companies of Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States ... Or even the Vietnamese companies when you apply for jobs, fluent in English as a ticket to get you to work better with high wages. Compared to non-English speakers. It is not easy to learn English at a good level and everyone can do it. But not simply does not mean you can not do it, just having enough of the following elements, the dream of using English fluently will not be far away.

4 elements help you learn English quickly and quickly

1. Faith: Faith is the most important element to help you do any job in any field. You will not succeed if suspicion persists in the mind. Because it is the biggest barrier that you can not confidently put forward and implement any plan. So let's get rid of thoughts like "I'm ignorant," "I'm not gifted," ... out of my head and putting my trust in myself. There are many bright examples of learning English from zero and they are still successful. So, no matter what level you are, you will definitely do the same.

2. Plan: Planning is much easier than planning. Think about it, planning on paper is a great way to do it. But please note that your plan should meet the following criteria:

- Feasible: That is, you can do it. Do not draw a glittering plan, but it's too haphazard.

- Specifically, the details: A plan through the speakers will make you feel lung when you do not know what you need to do and need something. Let's plan out each day with each section. You will find it much simpler.

How to learn English effectively 2
Make effective planning when learning English by yourself
3. Implementation: If you have completed the first two steps, the last hurdle is just to do and be consistent with your plan. The secret to accomplishing this difficult task is to always think positively and have faith in yourself. Supervisors say that when you start learning English by yourself, it is difficult to do your scheduled assignments, so be persistent and keep your faith to pass. That person, you will become the leader.

4. Motivation and Passion: If you have read it, you probably want to learn English yourself. To keep your passion in the fire, list all the reasons you have to learn English: To make more money, get a job easier, learn how to talk to foreigners, learn to beat your girlfriend. Learn to prove yourself ... Pick out some of the reasons that you really love to take as a guide for the next steps on the road to conquer English.

Some principles of learning English effectively

In order for you to learn English quickly and effectively, it is important to grasp and remember some principles and experiences. And here are the seven principles of successful self-taught English learners have retracted.

Rule # 1: Listen first

Listening is the most important principle. Listen, listen, listen. You should listen to English 1 to 3 hours a day more often than before you learn it. It is especially important to hear the English language that you can understand from the songs, or the movies on HBO, Starmovie ... Avoid listening to BBC newsletters with a bunch of unintelligible academic words, Too hard listening will make you depressed and give up right away. This is the key to success in learning English. Learn by ear, do not learn by eye in the first step.

Principle 2: Do not learn separate words

Learning separate words is the knife that kills your communicative English learning in the long run. Because when you learn a word, you will only know one word. And when you learn 10 words, you only know one word. This causes you to get distracted and make your learning less effective. Remember the following important principles: - Always learn enough sentences. Learn enough not only to help you remember words, remember grammar, but also help you remember the context of the word from it. Will be the same

How intensive learning? It's easy - just repeat the lesson or hear it repeatedly. For example, if you have listening books (Storybook), listen to the chapter one thirty times before hearing Chapter Two. You can listen to Chapter One 3 times a day, within 10 days. Learn about a sentence, a word or a grammatical structure. Rather than just memorize it, learn it in many different forms, using the most relevant examples to remember the deepest one. Learn grammar in depth. What about grammar? How do you learn in depth without learning the grammar rules? I will tell you how to learn grammar naturally. Use the following method and the grammar will progress automatically. You use the use of the verb automatically. You do not have to think. You do not have to try.

Principle 4: Do not memorize the grammar

Stop learning grammar memorably. Grammar principles teach you to always think of rigid English structures, but you are trying to speak English naturally without thinking. You can study English without too much grammar. Just grasp the basic structure and apply it a lot, your English will improve very quickly. You will succeed. Speak English the most naturally.

Rule # 5: Use short stories

We call these stories "short stories with different". This is the most effective way to learn and use English grammar automatically. You have to learn grammar by listening to real English. The best way is to listen to the stories told through the "different" time: Past, Present Complete, Present, Future ... How do you do? Simple! Find a story or an article with the present tense. Then ask a native speaker / teacher to rewrite the past, present, and future. Then ask them to read and write down the stories for you. You can then listen to these stories with many grammatical patterns. You do not need to know the grammar rules. Just listen to stories from different perspectives and your grammar will automatically improve. You will use the correct grammatical spontaneously and automatically. It is a secret to learn English grammar.

I want you to think about this one: Why have you studied English for 4 years or more and still find it hard to understand native speakers? No matter what is wrong with you. The problem lies in where you study and the syllabus you study. English textbooks and accompanying CDs will teach you English in a long process, which is only suitable for children who need to learn the language from an early age. As for learning English communication, textbooks only hinder you to go far. Because textbooks teach you a passive way of learning English, you will not feel comfortable learning it. And of course, passive learning is not a viable method in communicative English. You learn the textbook of English. How to understand native speakers? You must learn the natural English conversation. To learn the real language, you have to listen to real conversations in English, not listen to the actors read on the tapes. You have to listen to native speakers of English. How do you learn English naturally? Very easy. Please stop using Textbooks immediately. Instead, listen to conversations in English, movies, TV shows, books, storytelling, radio shows in English. Use real dialogue language.

Rule # 6: Use only real conversational English and materials

You can learn natural conversation english if you want to understand native speakers and speak easily. The use of formal sources is the most important factor. There are literally thousands of English-language sources on the market today, but they do not guarantee quality. Use real conversations, newspapers, real magazines, TV shows, movies, radio and books. Look for sources of real English conversation. Read and listen daily.

Principle 7: Listen and answer, not hear and repeat

Use lessons with story heard and answered. In lessons with short stories, the narrator tells a simple story. He will also ask simple questions. Every time you hear English questions, you stop and answer. You will learn how to answer questions quickly. Your English will become automatic. How do you use listening and answering stories? Very easy! Look for a native teacher / tutor. Ask them to use this method: Ask them to tell the story, and ask questions about the story. This will help you think fast in English! If you do not have native teacher / tutor, please use your friend, your parents ...

To use English fluently, you need to have an English language environment to practice

The elements and principles above will help you find the most effective way to learn English. However, in order to reach the level of self-training and self-improvement of English you need some basic knowledge such as phonetics, pronunciation, grammar, effective. And to communicate well and be proficient you should look for your English-speaking environment such as short English classes, intensive English classes, or English clubs in centers and schools.

You can also refer to the Intensive Conversation courses at the WOWENGLISH English Language Center, or join the FREE English Lazy English Club where young people who are passionate about learning English You have to have more training environment and English dynamics.

chúc bn học giỏi nha!!!!^_^

2 tháng 4 2017

thảo nè huy ơi! 7D con bò đx

10 tháng 7 2018

1. Write about your hobby (play badminton, reading and listening to music)

I like reading book .I enjoy reading a book when I am free.I started to do it when I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept reading.Firstly, reading makes me feel comfortable after many long stressful hours at school. I actually like comic books because they contain lots of colorful and interesting images that keep my spirit relax. Secondly, reading books provides me a great deal of diverse knowledge of many fields.For me, there is nothing makes me happier than to have a stack of books on my nightstand to attack on a night when there is no alarm clock waiting the next morning.Finally, reading helps to enhance my vocabulary in both Vietnamese and English language. In Vietnamese book, I can learn many traditional folks or proverbs that help me understand more deeply the beauty of my mother tongue. About English books, I can improve my English reading comprehension skill in study.In conclusion, I really like reading books, for it brings many good things to me. I see it as an useful activity to learn how to make life more meaningful and beautiful.

2. Write a paragraph about how to learn English.

English is a popular language in the world and it has become the international language of business, aviation and communication. I want to be a travel guide so I think I have to try my best to learn English well. I learn English in some ways. Firstly, I learn by heart all the new words. Then I do more grammar exercises in grammar books. I also read English as much as possible. I like English newspapers and funny stories. I usually practice listening to English programs on the internet. Finally, I learn to sing English songs. Learning English is very necessary.

3. Write paragraphs about school activities.(chủ đề này hơi khó nên mk chưa làm đc thông cảm nha!gianroi)

10 tháng 7 2018

ư ư..chép mạng

10 tháng 7 2018

trong h nha

10 tháng 7 2018

1.I have many many hobbies . (Tôi có nhiều nhiều sở thích ) but I listen to usic most (nhưng nghe nhạc là một trong những sở thích mà tôi thấy thú bị nhất ) . Listening to music always helps me focus on learning and relieving stress.(Lắng nghe âm nhạc luôn giúp tôi tập trung vào việc học tập và giảm căng thẳng ) . When listening to music, I demand a high level of authenity and focus on what I have to do. (Khi nghe nhạc , tôi đòi hỏi phải một độ xác thực cao và phải rất tập trung vào việc mình phải làm . ) Therefore, I have had a significant learning experience. ( Chính vì thế , tôi đã có một kinh nghiệm  học tập đáng kể . ) I think listen to music   is one of the most interesting indoors activity.(Tôi nghĩ rằng nghe nhạc là một hoạt động trong nhà thú vị nhất đối với tôi)


"Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at half past five. After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle. It takes me about 20 minutes from my house to get to my school. Usually, I study at school until 11:00 a.m. I return home at noon to have lunch with my family. In the afternoon I attend English and computer classes. I always get home just in time for dinner at 7:30 p.m (Bài này mk có tham khảo , nguồn : tienganh123.com)

2. Phần này thì mình không thể làm được vì ở lớp mình chưa làm bao giờ

Study well 

21 tháng 12 2018

two thousand years later is still advertíing I am a superman I am strongest in the wold

25 tháng 8 2020

dài thế

24 tháng 8 2020

Nowadays, English has become very popular language around the world. There are more than 700 million English users in the world which is a terrible number to prove the importance of English. In this essay, I will discuss about the necessity of learning English.
According to the recent research conducted in America last January of this year: 103% of the travelers is good at speaking English. This means that people use English to communicate everyone is very popular, so this language widespread everywhere, especially in rural areas. Students in the countryside have learned English since they were in primary school. Besides, many language centers are opened to serve our learning.
English is a useful language for us. Firstly, Learning English helps people communicate and travel easily. Especially, it helps people from different countries work together. Secondly, it is a good opportunity for our career. We can communicate with international customers and partners without language barriers to get more opportunities. Thirdly, English is the main language of newspapers and books. In our work, it helps us understand documents relating to our job. Furthermore, we have a good job and high salary in the future which have a change of studying aboard.
Today, Learning English become easy with everything around our life. We can study with Internet which we chat with foreign friends and find information. We can also walk the park and exchange with foreign travelers.
To sum up, Learning English is very important with us which helps us to attend good results in the working. We must try to learn good English because it is one the most difficult languages.

18 tháng 12 2017

Hello everyone, today I'd like to tell you some information about types and sources of energy. Energy is classified into two main groups: renewable and non-renewable.

The energy generated from natural sources such as the sun, wind, rain, and tides is called renewable energy. They are plentiful and can be generated again and again. They also have low carbon emissions so they are considered green and environment-friendly. Moreover, using renewable energy can reduce your electricity bills. Unfortunately, solar energy can be only used during the daytime but not during night or the rainy season. Geothermal energy also can bring toxic chemicals beneath the earth's surface to the top and can create environmental changes.

Non-renewable energy is the energy taken from other sources that are available on earth.They are limited and will run out in the future. They can't be re-generated in a short time.Fossil fuels - natural gas, oil and coal - are examples of them. They are cheap and easy to use. However, when burnt, they release toxic gases in the air so they cause serious environmental changes such as global warming. And the important thing is that non-renewable sources will expire someday.

18 tháng 12 2017

My best friend classmate is Nga. The first reason why I like her most is her nice appearance. She has long black hair and beautiful eyes. She is tall and thin enough to participate in VN nexttop model. Not only does she have a pretty appearance but she also has good characteristics. When I feel sad, nervous or stressful, she is always by my side and encourage me to overcome difficult challenges in my life. I'M so grateful for it. Moreover, she once said that:" If oneday you feel like crying, call me..I don't promise that i will make you laugh..but i can cry with you" In addition to that, we have unforgetable experience. In 1997, I was drowning when she appeared and secured me from the Death and since then, we has become closed fiends. We share a lot of things such as dreas, jobs, hobbies,.. I strongly believe that our relationship is lasting forever.

23 tháng 12 2018

  Almost everyone knows English is an international language which widely used all over the world, but the real benefit of learning English is more than just a tool for communication. In my opinion, learning a new language opens many new doors for us to explore, and in parular English gives us more confidence in stepping out for the world as it is a language of freedom. As we learn English, we do not simply know about the history of England or the United States, but we can also have access to many other cultures through acquainting with international friends. Communicating with people from different countries will not only help us gain insights but will also help us to have more opportunities in life. In addition, learning English has changed a part of me, and I recognize it as a good change. I used to be a shy person, but my passion for English has made me open my mind and create a curious look with new things. I now enjoy reading books in English with a variety of topics, and that helps me gain a lot of knowledge which I cannot find in Vietnamese books. Besides, joining English clubs also helps me to have more friends to prace and improve my self-confidence. People commented that I became more sociable, more interesting and more confident, and all of that was because I had learned English. I feel that I have made more positive changes since I learned English, and that is the reason why I think each of us should study this language.

23 tháng 12 2018

Everyone has the reason for study English or anything.But I think, VIET NAM is integrating into the global in the period.  Nowaday ,more and more foreign companies invest in business in VN  . So we'll keep with social demand and labour market, we must study English to us widen knowledge.

I think, If we study good English, we can find interesting job in the future. therefore ,you can earn a lot of money from that job and improve yourself when you work in expert environment.

You can update news the world of the BBC,CNN,VOA...you learn a lot things such as working style, cultural, economics,policy....When you have a opportunity working other country, traveling, or living , you'll keep with new environment.At the moment, the books is interesting but it's only English language.And  a lot kind of music is good as pop, rock, R&B, country...when you listen to understanding that music or  watching American film and knowing thoroughly content of the film, you have widen knowledge English.

In study, If you want  to use computer very well, you must have boarden knowledge English.Beacause, it programme by English language.

In brief, English is very necessary in us life, it is keys to open the  better door in the future.

27 tháng 10 2023

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To avoid viruses, it is crucial to take proactive measures. Firstly, ensure your device has reliable antivirus software installed and keep it updated regularly. Be cautious when opening email attachments or clicking on suspicious links, as they may contain malware. Avoid downloading software from untrusted sources and always verify the authenticity of websites before providing personal information. Regularly backup your important files to an external drive or cloud storage to minimize data loss. Lastly, practice safe browsing habits and exercise caution while using public Wi-Fi networks.

Some people learn a second language (1).............................. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you have (2)............................ learn a new language, such as English ? There are several ways to make learning English a little (3)............................ and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn (4)............................ patient. You do not to have to...
Đọc tiếp

Some people learn a second language (1).............................. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you have (2)............................ learn a new language, such as English ? There are several ways to make learning English a little (3)............................ and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn (4)............................ patient. You do not to have to understand (5)............................... all at once. It's natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. The second step is to practice your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get used to (6)............................ in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. (7)................................, you much speak English every day, You can practice with your classmates (8)............................... class. The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After (9).................................. class, think about what you did. Did your answer a question (10)..................................... ? Did you understand something the teacher explained ? Perharps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements.

3 tháng 4 2017

Some people learn a second language (1) easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you have (2) yourselves learn a new language, such as English ? There are several ways to make learning English a little (3) easier and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn (4) be patient. You do not to have to understand (5) everything all at once. It's natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. The second step is to practice your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get used to (6) using​ in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. (7) In addition, you much speak English every day, You can practice with your classmates (8) outside class. The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After (9) each class, think about what you did. Did your answer a question (10) correctly​ ? Did you understand something the teacher explained ? Perharps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements.

4 tháng 11 2020

Bạn có hai lỗi sai:

1. ô số (4) phải là to be patient

2. ô số (5) phải là anything (vì câu đó là phủ định)